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Students To Perform "Cinderella" For Spring Musical

The Nation Ford Theatre Company’s family friendly spring musical “Cinderella” will open March 12 at the school auditorium and run through March 15. The musical is produced by theatre teacher Cheri Addison along with the cast and tech crew.

Although this show is “Cinderella,” it is much different than the Disney version audiences may know. The performance follows the story line of Cinderella (senior Isabel Kissel) as she finds her prince (senior Shane Dowling), but there is much more depth to the plot -- and more characters, including the villain Sebastian (senior Robbie Sewell) and revolutionary Jean Michel (junior Jack Renner).

Addison selected this musical because it is family-friendly and a fun story. She wants people to come and see it as more than a silly fairytale.

“I want people who will open their imagination and allow themselves to reconnect with their own childhood,” she said. “It's not just a kiddie show - it's got some really strong themes we can all connect with.''

What is challenging about directing a musical?

“Everything is the hardest part,” she admits. “Making decisions about what the set is going to look like, what are the costumes that I want, who's going to choreograph the show, having enough time - it’s similar challenges every year.”

Dowling enjoys being in the experience of being in the musical, bonding with people of different backgrounds, and performing with everybody.

“It's a lot of stress because you don’t want to disappoint anybody,” he said. It’s a lot but it pays off in the end.”

Another actor in the show who is part of the ensemble is junior Samin Yasir. His favorite part of being in the musical is working with the cast. He says it’s like being in a family.

Renner agrees.

“My favorite part is all the friends you can make and how welcome everybody makes you feel when you're part of this program,” he said.

But he says being the cast is challenging.

“I have a hard time putting forth a character that's more than just myself. Also it's just a lot. It’s a lot of work,” he said.

The cast meets after school and on weekends to rehearse music and choreography. Claudine Victorin, an alumni from Nation Ford High School, choreographed this performance, and Ms.Addison directs and oversees everything from cast rehearsals to tech crew.

Behind the scenes there’s also a lot going on to make this musical - three tech crews work every day: construction led by Ms. Lynn Marsh, paint crew led by Ms. Alicia Cobbler, and costume crew led by volunteer Ms. Mary White. Tech crew stays after school everyday to make props, sew costumes, and paint set pieces.

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